Saturday, August 31, 2019

Macbeth †How Shakespeare presents the characters in Act 3 Scene 1 Essay

How do their words thoughts and actions make the scene such a dramatic and important scene in the play? In the majority of Shakespeare’s compositions, Act 3 usually consists, in terms of context, the most important scenes in the play. Macbeth is no different; Act 3 and in particular Act 3 Scene 1 is the point in the play where events are rapidly building to a dramatic and tragic climax. In the previous scenes the audience witnessed the violent assassination of the much loved King Duncan by Macbeth followed by the (said / mentioned) murderer’s inevitable election as king. In a historical context, the general public at the time of the production’s release would have understood the significance and seriousness of Macbeth’s actions more so than modern day audiences. Regicide was not only seen as an evil act against king and country but also against God. The Divine Right of King’s was widely believed; which stated every monarch is selected by God and has sole right to the throne (usurper). More notably, genuine threats such as the Gunpowder Plot against the ruler at the time, King James I, made the murder of King Duncan not only more believable but something audiences could actually relate to. Act 3 Scene 1 commences with a condemning soliloquy by Banquo. He shares with the audience his strong accusations regarding the manner in which Macbeth has become King Speaking dangerously of deceit and treason, ‘Thou played’st most foully for’t’, Shakespeare cleverly aligns Banquo with the audience and in doing so emphasizes the shocking nature of King Duncan’s murder. In the soliloquy there is also a reference to the witches’ predictions for Banquo’s descendants, ‘myself should be the root and father of many kings. ‘ This line would have been of great interest to King James I as it suggests he is a descendant of Banquo. Some critics argue that Shakespeare wrote Macbeth to flatter the new king. The direct relation between Banquo and King James is hinted a few times during the play. Add this to the fact Shakespeare altered Holinshed’s version of events that were written years earlier then you could be mistaken for agreeing with the critics. Shakespeare made Macbeth solely responsible for Duncan’s murder when actually Banquo was an accomplice to the murder. Proud to be in their new role, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth greet Banquo very majestically, ‘here’s our chief guest. ‘ Shrewdly, they attempt to make Banquo feel important and well appreciated, ‘If he had been forgotten, it had been a big gap in our great feast.’ However this was all a big act, as the audience was about to find out. I imagine in this part of the scene Lady Macbeth’s introduction would have been very grand and regal as if she loved her new role. After all, she had finally achieved what she and her husband had always dreamt of, ‘My dearest partner of greatness.’ Shakespeare makes it clear that Macbeth is now king by altering slightly the way in which Macbeth behaves and addresses others. He exposes a kinder, more inviting aspect to his personality by hosting a feast, ‘Tonight we hold a great feast and I’ll request your presence.’ The verb request is significant because it implies the invitational is optional, however I don’t believe anyone would turn down an offer from the King as there may be serious consequences. Macbeth continues to take great interest in Macbeths proposed journey which causes the audience to suspect that Banquo might be in danger. Arguably for the very first time in the play, we witness the devious and crafty personality of Macbeth. Shakespeare uses a combination of irony and flattery in his writing to hide the fact Macbeth is actually intensively interrogating Banquo, ‘fail not our feast’ and ‘Ride you this afternoon’ are two examples of this. The quote ‘fail not our feast’ is ironic because the audience have been discretely made aware that Macbeth intends to have Banquo murdered whilst he is out riding and will therefore not return for the feast. After dismissing Banquo, Macbeth makes a rather bold and surprising decision to do the same with his wife, ‘Till supper time alone, while then God be with you.’ I believe this to be the point in the play where the tide turns. Up until now, it has been Macbeth who has relied heavily on his wife. He consulted everything with her. However, now that he finally has the crown upon his head, I think he feels that she has nothing left to offer. Personally this is pure ignorance on Macbeth’s part and sense this might be a catalyst for his downfall -Macbeth’s hamartia. A hamartia is basically an ‘error in judgement, a cause of a tragic hero’s (in this case Macbeth) misfortune. Lady Macbeth aids his downfall, as she has pushed him to become so ambitious and arrogant that he feels he will be more successful without her. However, Macbeth has other hamartias which are explored further on. If I was directing this scene, I would strive to get the key point across. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have just been crowned king and Queen of their beloved nation. The ‘honeymoon’ period has just begun and they both absolutely adore their new roles, ‘Thou hast it now King, Cawdor, Glamis, all.’ Therefore, I would endeavour to make sure this comes across to the audience by ensuring the actors were dressed accordingly; royal robes and jewellery etc. Also, the actors should portray a relieved and joyful persona to illustrate the fact that Macbeth and his wife’s efforts have finally been rewarded. During Macbeth’s soliloquy in Act 3 Scene 1, Shakespeare reveals the character’s true colours. Macbeth explains that despite Banquo being his best friend, he understands that Banquo must be murdered in order for him to remain in power; ‘to be thus is nothing, but to be safely thus.’ This extract would confirm the audiences’ earlier thoughts and feelings about Macbeth’s intentions with Banquo. It also proves that the compassion and sincerity he showed towards Banquo in their last conversation was just an act. Shakespeare compares Macbeth’s feelings about Banquo to an actual event in the past, ‘as it is said Mark Antony’s was by Caesar.’ Macbeth acknowledges Banquo’s integrity but cannot help feeling that perhaps he is the Achilles heel to making him last upon the throne. Just as in Ancient Rome, Mark Antony was said to be in fear of Octavius Caesar. Throughout the soliloquy you get the sense that Macbeth has constant mood swings. His feelings vary rapidly, from fear of Banquo at the beginning; ‘our fears in Banquo stick deep.’ to pure hatred of Banquo at the end, ‘No son of mine succeeding, for Banquo’s issue have I filed my mind.’ His change in character is particularly noticeable when compared to Act 2 Scene 1. During this soliloquy, Macbeth has little conviction when contemplating the murder of Duncan whereas now he speaks confidently with passion and conviction. Which is startling seen as he is about to have his closest companion murdered. As the murderers appear on stage, the audience are immediately made aware that Macbeth has already spoken with them â€Å"Was it not yesterday we spoke together.† This extract implies that Macbeth had been planning to kill Banquo for a while. This is arguably the first time we see a ruthless side of Macbeth. It proves to the audience that this murder is not just a spur of the moment thing. Shakespeare includes a range of techniques when Macbeth is trying to persuade the henchmen to murder Banquo. Firstly, Macbeth tries to justify the murder by using reverse psychology on the two men, â€Å"Know that it is he who held you so under fortune.† Here; Macbeth is obviously testing the murderers’ character and resolve. He needs to know how willing they are, luckily for Macbeth they are prepared to do anything in the needs of king and country, â€Å"I would set my life on any chance.† Secondly, Macbeth questions their courage, to which the murderers’ respond assertively â€Å"We are men.† One thing I cannot comprehend is why Macbeth is even bothering to persuade them. Surely Macbeth has the right to order anyone about never mind two members of the lower class society. After all he is the King. However, I think this represents a key aspect of Macbeth’s personality. I think persuading the murderers’ is his way of persuading him he is doing the right thing. By persuading them, he is at the same time convincing himself that the deed is righteous. This would suggest that Macbeth is not pure evil but instead someone who loves power and is prepared to do anything to remain powerful. Macbeth changes dramatically as a character throughout the play. Initially, Macbeth was tortured with remorse after Duncan’s murder but upon hearing of Banquo’s successful assassination he is elated. His vaulting aspiration was driving him to desperate measures and he was unable to impede it. Macbeth had already risked his life to obtain the throne so he had no choice but to employ Machiavellian customs to preserve it. Macbeth’s vision of Banquo’ ghost at a royal banquet only steers him closer to insanity. The appearance of Banquo’s ghost at the royal banquet horrifies Macbeth. Shakespeare brilliantly uses irony to make Banquo’s emergence very dramatic, ‘Sweet Remembrancer! Upon hearing the witches’ prophecies, Macbeth is unleashed down a spiral of swift deterioration that causes him to become blinded by desire. It is clear that Macbeth’s objective was driven by the prophecies made by the three witches; ‘hail to thee Thane of Cawdor that shalt be king hereafter.’ He was willing to do or pay anything to ensure that they actually occur. At first Macbeth is appalled at the witches’ proposal of killing Duncan, his King and fellow countryman, but eventually he surrenders to both Lady Macbeth and the evil forces. Lady Macbeth and the witches overwhelm his morals setting off a catalogue of events resulting in Macbeth’s downfall and second hamartia. The presence of supernatural forces in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, provides much of the plays dramatic tension and mounting suspense. Several supernatural hallucinations throughout the play profoundly affect Macbeth; culminating with the evil forces overpowering Macbeth and his morals. For example, the prophecies of the three witches and the appearance of Banquo’s ghost. These two points in the play would have been very significant for the audience at the time. Witches were associated with using uncompromising potions, flying, becoming invisible at will and using disguises for the evil spirits in control of them. In Shakespeare’s time, a large proportion of people believed in witches. Hundreds of thousands of women were accused of employing the mentioned familiars to cause misfortunes and disasters. As a result, many were either executed or tortured. Even King James I was personally frightened of witches, passing a law that condemned anyone connected with witchcraft. In hindsight, it is now clear that witches were just innocent people used as scapegoats for mistakes made by others. Macbeth is a prime example of Shakespeare’s use of the tragic pattern. The play begins with the rise and fall of a man of high estate. This is followed by a flaw in character, Duncan’s trust in Macbeth for example, ‘a gentleman on whom I built absolute trust.’ Then murder, exile and alienation of enemies and allies; King Duncan’s Murder, the Princes’ flee, murder of Banquo and dismissal of Lady Macbeth. All leading to the gradual isolation of the tragic hero, tragic recognition of the flaw by the tragic hero; ‘and now a wood comes toward Dunsinane’ and eventually the death of the tragic hero. Macbeth is slain by Macduff. Tragic patterns similar to this one are used in every one of Shakespeare’s renowned tragedies.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Project on Demat Account

The term Demat, in India, refers to a dematerialised account. For individual Indian citizens to trade in listed stocks or debentures. The Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) requires the investor to maintain a Demat account. In a demat account shares and securities are held in electronic form instead of taking actual possession of certificates. A Demat Account is opened by the investor while registering with an investment broker (or sub broker). The Demat account number which is quoted for all transactions to enable electronic settlements of trades to take place.Access to the demat account requires an internet password and a transaction password as well as initiating and confirming transfers or purchases of securities. Purchases and sales of securities on the Demat account are automatically made once transactions are executed and completed. | | Advantages of Demat The demat account reduces brokerage charges, makes pledging/hypothecation of shares easier, enables quick ownership of securities on settlement resulting in increased liquidity, avoids confusion in the ownership title of securities, and provides easy receipt of public issue allotments.It also helps you avoid bad deliveries caused by signature mismatch, postal delays and loss of certificates in transit. Further, it eliminates risks associated with forgery, counterfeiting and loss due to fire, theft or mutilation. Demat account holders can also avoid stamp duty (as against 0. 5 per cent payable on physical shares), avoid filling up of transfer deeds, and obtain quick receipt of such benefits as stock splits and bonuses. Indian Market ScenarioIndian capital market has seen unprecedented boom in its activity in the last 15 years in terms of number of stock exchanges, listed companies, trade volumes, market intermediaries, investor population, etc. However, this surge in activity has brought with it numerous problems that threaten the very survival of the capital markets in the long run, most of whic h are due to the large volume of paper work involved and paper based trading, clearing and settlement. Until the late eighties, the common man kept away from apital market and thus the quantum of funds mobilized through the market was meager. A major problem, however, continued to plague the market. The Indian markets were drowned in shares in the form of paper and hence it was problematic to handle them. Fake and stolen shares, fake signatures and signature mismatch, duplication and mutilation of shares, transfer problems, etc. The investors were scared and were under compensated for the risk borne by them. The century old system of trading and settlement requires handling of huge volumes of paper work.This has made the investors, both retail and institutional, wary of entering the capital market. However, lack of modernization become a hindrance to growth and resulted in creation of cumbersome procedures and paper work. However, the real growth and change occurred from mid-eightie s in the wake of liberalization initiatives of the Government. The reforms in the financial sector were envisaged in the banking sector, capital market, securities market regulation, mutual funds, foreign investments and Government control.These institutions and stock exchanges experienced that the certificates are the main cause of investors` disputes and arbitration cases. Since the paper work was not matching the rapid growth so there was a need for a better system to ensure removal of these impediments. Government of India decided to set up a fully automated and high technology based model exchange that could offer screen-based trading and depositories as the ultimate answer to all such reforms and eliminate various bottlenecks in the capital market, particularly, the clearing and settlement system in stock exchanges. 1] A depository in very simple terms is a pool of pre-verified shares held in electronic mode which offers settlement of transactions in an efficient and effective way. Object Of Demat System India has adopted this system in which book entry is done electronically. It is the system where no paper is involved. Physical form is extinguished and shares or securities are held in electronic mode. Before the introduction of the depository system by the Depository Act, 1996, the process of sale, purchase and transfer of shares was a huge problem and the safety perspective was zero.Demat Benefits The benefits are enumerated as follows: . Its a safe and convenient way to hold securities . Immediate transfer of securities is there . There is no stamp duty on transfer of securities . Elimination of risks associated with physical certificates such as bad delivery, fake securities, delays, thefts etc. . There is a major reduction in paperwork involved in transfer of securities,reduction in transaction cost etc. . No odd lot problem, even one share can be sold thus there is advantage .Change in address recorded with DP gets registered with all companies in which investor holds securities electronically eliminating the need to correspond with each of them separately; †¢ Transmission of securities is done by DP eliminating correspondence with companies; †¢ Automatic credit into demat account of shares, arising out of bonus/split/consolidation/merger etc. †¢ Holding investments in equity and debt instruments in a single account. Benefit to the Company The depository system helps in reducing the cost of new issues due to less printing and distribution cost.It increases the efficiency of the registrars and transfer agents and the Secretarial Department of the company. It provides better facilities for communication and timely services with shareholders, investor etc. Benefit to the Investor The depository system reduces risks involved in holding physical certificated, e. g. , loss, theft, mutilation, forgery, etc. It ensures transfer settlements and reduces delay in registration of shares. It ensures faster communication to investors. It helps avoid bad delivery problem due to signature differences, etc. It ensures faster payment on sale of shares. No stamp duty is paid on transfer of shares.It provides more acceptability and liquidity of securities. Benefits to Brokers The depository system reduces risk of delayed settlement. It ensures greater profit due to increase in volume of trading. It eliminates chances of forgery – bad delivery. It increases overall of trading and profitability. It increases confidence in investors. Demat conversion Converting physical holding into electronic holding (dematerialising securities) In order to dematerialise physical securities one has to fill in a DRF (Demat Request Form) which is available with the DP and submit the same along with physical certificates one wishes to dematerialise.Separate DRF has to be filled for each ISIN Number. The complete process of dematerialisation is outlined below: †¢ Surrender certificates for dematerialisation to your de pository participant. †¢ Depository participant intimates Depository of the request through the system. †¢ Depository participant submits the certificates to the registrar of the Issuer Company. †¢ Registrar confirms the dematerialisation request from depository. †¢ After dematerialising the certificates, Registrar updates accounts and informs depository of the completion of dematerialisation. †¢ Depository updates its accounts and informs the depository participant. Depository participant updates the demat account of the investor. Demat Options Banks score over others Around 200 â€Å"depository participants† (DPs) offer the demat account facility. A comparison of the fees charged by different DPs is detailed below. But there are three distinct advantages of having a demat account with a bank — quick processing, accessibility and online transaction. Generally, banks credit your demat account with shares in case of purchase, or credit your savi ngs accounts with the proceeds of a sale on the third day. Banks are also advantageous because of the number of branches they have.Some banks give the option of opening a demat account in any branch, while others restrict themselves to a select set of branches. Some private banks also provide online access to the demat account. So, you can check on your holdings, transactions and status of requests through the net banking facility. A broker who acts as a DP may not be able to provide these services. Fees Involved There are four major charges usually levied on a demat account: Account opening fee, annual maintenance fee, custodian fee and transaction fee. All the charges vary from DP to DP. Account-opening feeDepending on the DP, there may or may not be an opening account fee. Private banks, such as HDFC Bank and UTI Bank, do not have one. However, players such as ICICI Bank, Globe Capital, Karvy Consultants and the State Bank of India to do so. But most players levy this when you re -open a demat account, though the Stock Holding Corporation offers a lifetime account opening fee, which allows you to hold on to your demat account over a long period. This fee is refundable. Annual maintenance fee This is also known as folio maintenance charges, and is generally levied in advance. Custodian feeThis fee is charged monthly and depends on the number of securities (international securities identification numbers — ISIN) held in the account. It generally ranges between Rs 0. 5 to Rs 1 per ISIN per month. DPs will not charge custody fee for ISIN on which the companies have paid one-time custody charges to the depository. Transaction fee The transaction fee is charged for crediting/debiting securities to and from the account on a monthly basis. While some DPs, such as SBI, charge a flat fee per transaction, HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank peg the fee to the transaction value, subject to a minimum amount.The fee also differs based on the kind of transaction (buying or sel ling). Some DPs charge only for debiting the securities while others charge for both. The DPs also charge if your instruction to buy/sell fails or is rejected. In addition, service tax is also charged by the DPs. In addition to the other fees, the DP also charges a fee for converting the shares from the physical to the electronic form or vice-versa. This fee varies for both demat and remat requests. For demat, some DPs charge a flat fee per request in addition to the variable fee per certificate, while others charge only the variable fee.For instance, Stock Holding Corporation charges Rs 25 as the request fee and Rs 3 per certificate as the variable fee. However, SBI charges only the variable fee, which is Rs 3 per certificate. Remat requests also have charges akin to that of demat. However, variable charges for remat are generally higher than demat. Some of the additional features (usually offered by banks) are as follows. Some DPs offer a frequent trader account, where they charge frequent traders at lower rates than the standard charges.Demat account holders are generally required to pay the DP an advance fee for each account which will be adjusted against the various service charges. The account holder needs to raise the balance when it falls below a certain amount prescribed by the DP. However, if you also hold a savings account with the DP you can provide a debit authorisation to the DP for paying this charge. Finally, once you choose your DP, it will be prudent to keep all your accounts with that DP, so that tracking your capital gains liability is easier.This is because, for calculating capital gains tax, the period of holding will be determined by the DP and different DPs follow different methods. For instance, ICICI Bank uses the first in first out (FIFO) method to compute the period of holding. The proof of the cost of acquisition will be the contract note. The computation of capital gains is done account-wise. Opening an account Steps involved in o pening a demat account First an investor has to approach a DP and fill up an account opening form.The account opening form must be supported by copies of any one of the approved documents to serve as proof of identity (POI) and proof of address (POA) as specified by SEBI. Besides, production of PAN card in original at the time of opening of account has been made mandatory effective from April 1, 2006. All applicants should carry original documents for verification by an authorized official of the depository participant, under his signature. Further, the investor has to sign an agreement with DP in a depository prescribed standard format, which details rights and duties of investor and DP.DP should provide the investor with a copy of the agreement and schedule of charges for their future reference. The DP will open the account in the system and give an account number, which is also called BO ID (Beneficiary Owner Identification number). The DP may revise the charges by giving 30 days notice in advance. SEBI has rationalised the cost structure for dematerialisation by removing account opening charges, transaction charges for credit of securities, and custody charges vide circular dated January 28, 2005.Further, SEBI has vide circular dated November 9, 2005 advised that with effect from January 9, 2006, no charges shall be levied by a depository on DP and consequently, by a DP on a Beneficiary Owner (BO) when a BO transfers all the securities lying in his account to another branch of the same DP or to another DP of the same depository or another depository, provided the BO Account/s at transferee DP and at transferor DP are one and the same, i. e. identical in all respects.In case the BO Account at transferor DP is a joint account, the BO Account at transferee DP should also be a joint account in the same sequence of ownership. Disadvantages of Demat The disadvantages of dematerialization of securities can be summarised as follows: Trading in securities may becom e uncontrolled in case of dematerialized securities. It is incumbent upon the capital market regulator to keep a close watch on the trading in dematerialized securities and see to it that trading does not act as a detriment to investors.The role of key market players in case of dematerialized securities, such as stock-brokers, needs to be supervised as they have the capability of manipulating the market. Multiple regulatory frameworks have to be confirmed to, including the Depositories Act, Regulations and the various By-Laws of various depositories. Additionally, agreements are entered at various levels in the process of dematerialization. These may cause anxiety to the investor desirous of simplicity in terms of transactions in dematerialized securities.However, the advantages of dematerialization outweigh its disadvantages and the changes ushered in by SEBI and the Central Government in terms of compulsory dematerialization of securities is important for developing the securities market to a degree of advancement. Freely traded securities are an essential component of such an advanced market and dematerialization addresses such issues and is a step towards the advancement of the market. Transfer of Shares between DPs To transfer shares, we need to fill the Depository Instruction Slip Book (DIS).Firstly we need to check, whether both Demat account's Depository Participant is same or not(CDSL or NSDL) If both of them are different, then we need an INTER Depository Slip (Inter DIS). If they are same, then we need INTRA Depository Slip (Intra DIS). For example: If we have one Demat account with CDSL and other Demat account with NSDL, then we need an Inter DIS. Generally, brokers issue Intra DIS, so do check with broker. Once we identify the correct DIS, fill the relevant information like scrip name INE number quantity in words and figures nd submit that DIS for the transfer to the broker with signatures.The transferor broker shall accept that DIS in duplicate a nd acknowledge receipt of DIS on duplicate copy. Do try to submit that DIS when market is on. Accordingly, date of submission of DIS and date of execution of DIS can be same or a difference of one day is also acceptable. For transfer, you shall also pay the broker some charges. Remember: DIS is almost like a cheque book. Accordingly, it can not be misused if issued blank. So deposit only a completely filled in Slip to broker. Do cut out unfilled rows so that none can fill them later on.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of an Early Marriage Essay

Below is a free essay on â€Å"Advantages and Disadvantages of an Early Marriage† from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Young people in modern society have completely different views on marriage. Ones prefer to get married at an early age; others, however, tend to postpone marriage until they finish their studies and make a successful career. Early marriages have lots of advantages, such as experiencing the joy of parenthood and other benefits of the wedlock and becoming mature as early as possible, but also have some negative sides, such as economic restrictions, misunderstanding between partners and inability to get proper education. On the one hand, marrying young has some advantages. Firstly, due to the heavy workload arising from new responsibilities and duties, such as earning the living, taking care of children, organizing time properly, running the household, the newly married youngsters mature much earlier than their peers. see more:advantages and disadvantages of family Read more:  Child Marriage Essay Introduction Secondly, the earlier the partners get married, the more time they spend together, the more obstacles they overcome hand in hand, the more mutual interests they have, and, as a result, it is quite easy for them to find common ground and see eye to eye on various problems. Besides, such spouses are more likely to compromise and to comfort each other more successfully. Thirdly, having children is another important aspect of family life, which is worth mentioning. The idea is that giving birth at an early age is not likely to be followed by any health problems. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages in getting married at an early age. To begin with, both partners do not have an opportunity to finish their education, as they have to provide for their family and one of the spouses is likely to become a breadwinner. Furthermore, marrying young leads to a wide range of problems and inconveniences, such as insufficient income and lack of suitable accommodation. This is when a young couple realizes that the reality is much tougher, than their pure feelings and family life is not always about being lovers, but it also demands self-sacrifice.

Music & Dementia Care Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Music & Dementia Care - Assignment Example The first paper by Gà ¶tell, Brown & Ekman (2002) covers how caregiver singing and background music affected the verbal communications between the caregiver and the dementia patient in an urban area of Sweden. The second paper, by Hammar, Emami, Engstrà ¶m & Gà ¶tell (2011), focuses purely on music therapeutic caregiving (MTC) and the experiences that caregivers had when considering the effect of MTC on patients with dementia. One of the major similarities between the two pieces of research is that they are qualitative in nature, and thus gather information designed to provide an in-depth look at human behavior (Merriam, 2009). Many of the strengths and weaknesses of the two papers are linked to this type of data-gathering. One issue with which qualitative research struggles is that it can be difficult and expensive to involve a lot of participants, and this research is no different; Gà ¶tell, Brown & Ekman (2002) focused on nine individuals whilst Hammar (2011) focused on six. This can make the results hard to generalize to the wider population and additionally makes the results more prone to various types of bias (Merriam, 2009). However, as the aim of the research was to uncover more detail about the relationship between music-related caregiving and dementia patients, this type of result is much more informative. Gà ¶tell, Brown & Ekman (2002) collected their data in two main ways. Firstly, the morning routine of the dementia patients was recorded (6-22 minutes). Following this, the caregiver was interviewed about how the morning session had gone. Later in the day, the caregiver and the researchers would look back over the video recording of the session to allow the caregiver to give further comment on the morning routine. Using this methodology is useful because it allows the caregiver to incorporate emotions and feelings that were felt immediately after the event and logical thoughts that occurred after a period time into their responses, giving a fuller account of the effect of music on caregiving.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Creativity and innovation at greenpeace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Creativity and innovation at greenpeace - Essay Example While implementing any sustainable strategy, an organization has to closely analyze its resources and capabilities such as culture, diversity, human capital, innovation and creativity, as if they are durable, transferable and replicable or not. Creativity and innovation among organizations usually occurs through development and implementation of new mechanisms in a non-traditional way. Any organizational environment constitutes a social and a cultural aspect called the field and the domain respectively. According to Csikszentmihalyi (1999), â€Å"creativity occurs when a person makes a change in a domain, a change that will be transmitted through time†. Creativity is essentially a two way process in which people must interact with the field and the domain to achieve certain level of novel variation. The person with specific set of talents and experiences transmits the body of knowledge in context of the cultural system (domain). The social system (field) then evaluates innovat ion and retains the selected creativeness in context of the domain. For instance, there are people in the field of modern art who decide whether the new paintings deserve to be purchased, collected and added to the domain or not. Amabile (1998) suggests that â€Å"within every individual, creativity is a function of three components: expertise, creative-thinking skills, and motivation† illustrated in figure 01. In any organization, however, managers are fully capable of influencing these components via workplace practices and conditions. The intellectual, procedural and technical knowledge comprises the expertise. The novel and unique ways in which people approach certain issues come under the creative-thinking skills component, and the inner spirit and devotion required for tackling or solving a particular issue forms the motivation component. Factors such as challenge, freedom, resources, work-group features, supervisory encouragement, and organizational support affect crea tivity and can be analyzed to enhance creativity in organizations. It is important to note here that some systemic practices are existent which may also kill creativity. Figure 01: The Three Components of Creativity. Source: (Amabile, 1998) According to West and Farr (1990), innovation is â€Å"the intentional introduction and application within a job, work team or organization of ideas, processes, products or procedures which are new to that job, work team or organization and which are designed to benefit the job, the work team or organization†. The process of innovation encompasses both the development of a concept and effective translation of that concept into practice. All organizations are capable of being innovative to certain extent depending on the sources of innovation and many of them consider creativity and innovation as part of their competitive strategies. If a change is beneficial, intentional and novel, it can be rightly regarded as innovation. Economic activit ies are mostly dependent on finite and limited set of natural resources present on earth. Overexploitation of these limited resources is continuously threatening the global economy, which at its core is embedded in the environment. Industries worldwide are depleting resources of the earth not taking into account the provision of relatively free ecosystem services. The changing patterns of resource scarcity have given rise to a new business model known as Natural Capitalism. According to Lovins et al. (1999), â€Å"

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Climat chenge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Climat chenge - Essay Example purposely developed a new protocol which aims to serve as the latest legal instrument that can be used to help us overcome the challenges and negative consequences of severe climate change (Rajamany; United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). In response to the latest UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the main obstacles behind a successful global agreement will be tackled in details followed by discussing the extent to which these challenges can be easily overcome. In the past, several Conventions were developed by the United Nations and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change which include the Bali Plan Action in 2008, the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, and the Cancun Agreements were implemented to effectively control the global climate change (Kyoto Protocol; United Nations and UNFCCC). The Kyoto Protocol served as the â€Å"legal binding agreement under which industrialized countries will reduce their collective emissions of greenhouse gases by 5.2% compared to the year 1990† (Kyoto Protocol) whereas the Bali Plan Action served as a two-year guideline that aims to finalize the legal agreement in 2009 (United Nations and UNFCCC). In 2010, the Cancun Agreements is composed of decisions made by the international community on each country can work together in solving the long-term problems with regards to climate change (UNFCCC). In 2012, the Kyoto Protocol is expected to expire by the end of 2012 (The New York Times). Last November 2011, the Durban Climate Change Conference was held in Doha, Qatar in order to publicly introduce a new protocol which could serve as a universal legal agreement on issues related to climate change (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). During the Durban Climate Change Conference, it was mentioned that the new expiration date for the Kyoto agreement would be either 2017 or in 2020 (The New York Times). As of August 2011, a total of 192 states and countries have already signed and ratified the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Understanding the Behaviour of Organisations in their Market Essay

Understanding the Behaviour of Organisations in their Market Environment - Essay Example In general, there are four basic types of market structure, namely perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly. Perfect Competition: Perfect competition is a situation when numerous firms are competing in the market (Machovec, 2002). For example, FMCG and FMCD sectors are perfectly competitive ones. The biggest advantage of a perfectly competitive market is that firms produce optimal output levels at a low cost. However, the biggest disadvantage is that companies earn minimal profit and there are no economies of scale. Monopoly: A monopoly is a market situation where only firm is operating and there are no competitors (Lele, 2006). For example, the local water electricity service providers are often considered to be operating in a monopoly market. The advantages of monopoly are no risk of overproduction, efficient use of resources, price leader, focuses on the production of a particular product or service. The labour cost is also low. On the other hand, the disadvantages of a monopoly market are that the company can exploit customers by charging more or offering low quality products. There is huge restriction in choice of customers resulting in a low buyer power. Furthermore, the absence of competition often leads to inefficiency and lower productivity. Monopolistic Competition: A monopolistic competition in an industry is characterised by the presence of several competitors, but their offerings differ (Solow, 1998). The restaurant industry is the best example of monopolistic competition. One of th e biggest advantages of monopolistic competition is that it promotes competition which, in turn, greatly helps in enhancing the efficiency and productivity of the industry. From the point of view of consumers, it offers them greater choice and variety. Moreover, customers get quality products and services and turn out to be more knowledgeable about the product features. Technological innovation and research and development are highly visible. The disadvantages of monopolistic competition are that it leads to higher price. Oligopoly: An oligopoly market is characterised by the presence of only a few firms (Tucker, 2008). For example, gas service providers are considered to be operating in the oligopoly market. The biggest advantage is that prices remain fixed and competition is high resulting in a higher efficiency. On the other hand, the disadvantage is that there are less research and development works and less innovation. Figure 1 – Market Structure PESTLE and Cultural Envi ronment The external business environment in which an organisation operates plays a significant role. Before formulating a business plan or formulating a strategy for business, organisations carry out in-depth analysis of the business environment. The external business environment includes the political, legal, social, technological, environmental, demographic, economical and cultural factors. Nowadays, business houses operate in a changing business environment and as a result, they are required to offer products and services that match with the needs of customers. According to Taloo (2007), there are no businesses in the world that can survive without having any interaction with the external business environment. The factors of the external business environment have a strong influence on the business operations and therefore, businesses need to be aware of the external environment. For example, a change in the economic environment of a country can strongly impact the sales of a com pany. Therefore, organisations are

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Middle East And The West Of Asia History Assignment

Middle East And The West Of Asia History - Assignment Example The Crusades included expeditions to the Holy Land, Iberian Island, and North Eastern Europe, against Ottoman Turks, and the Hussite and Albigensian crusades. In addition, the jihad concept employed by the Muslim leaders became less significant during the last phase of the tenth century. However, the jihad concept regained force in the twelfth century wars between Muslims and the Latin Christian Crusaders. Hence, the Crusades raised a conflict between Christians and Muslims who were believed to threaten the existence of the Christian faith. During this period, Latin Christians never gained victory in the wars but did slow down the propagation of the Islamic faith. In the Iberian Peninsula Crusade, Christian leaders replaced Muslim leaders. As a result, other Christians, Muslims, and the Jews were forced to convert to the Catholic faith. Most notably would be the Hussite Crusade of the 1420s in which the Hussite heretical doctrine remained not eliminated. On the contrary, the Albigens ian Crusade eliminated the aristocratic clans who believed in the Cathar heretical doctrine. The wars and the plagues of incurable diseases that occurred during the Crusades period distressed the whole nation as well as killing vast portions of the world’s population thus destroying cities. The overtaxed and marginalized populations in the society protested against authoritative governments. It would be worth noting that, because of the Crusades, women began participating in high roles in both their cultures and the Western world. Despite the negative impacts of the wars marking the Crusades, positive impacts also emerged to mark the history of the Middle East and the West of Asia. The acquisition of... Moreover, the emergence of the middle-class concept originates from the rise of cities. In a similar perspective, the evolution of modern civilization could have only occurred following the rise and growth of medieval cities along with their associated cultural and artistic influences. The developments in science and technology consequently transformed the modern world into an engine and commercial driven society in terms of agriculture, the invention of the horizontal loom in cloth and the iron works and water power. Technology also facilitated the concepts of defined methodology and mechanization. Moreover, people organize their activities using timetables because of the discovery of the mechanical clock thereby changing the modern life. In conclusion, the paper presented the occurrences of the Crusades to include wars between different religious associations, conflicts between civic and church leaders, territorial invasions, the rise, and fall of Christianity and Islam faiths with their associated effects, and reformation of the Catholic Church’s architecture. Following these occurrences, the aftermath of the Crusades led to both negative and positive impacts. Negative impacts may include the destruction of cities and loss of lives. On the contrary, positive impacts consist of advancement in science, technology, and growth of cities. The growth of cities facilitated growth on the trade that stabilized social classes. The development enhanced health and welfare, which are essential for existence.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Operations Management - Essay Example Question 1 (b): When profit calculation is being done, it is important to take account of fixed costs especially when using TOC based initiatives. The concept of TOC relies on three most important elements i.e. Inventory, Operating expenses and Throughput (Choe and Herman, 2004 and Herroelen and Leus, 2005); all these three aspects need to be carefully monitored so that the production processes are enhanced and the output level of the organization increases. Throughput is described as sales revenue minus total variable costs; Inventory is defined as the amount of total money invested in the business which can be or is to be sold; and Operating expense is the amount of all non-variable costs that are associated in converting inventory into throughput. It is evident from the explanation of the three important elements of TOC based initiative that both types of costs are important when calculating the profit. The real profit amount is that one which is retained by the business after it covers its fixed and variable costs. From the table given in Question 1(a), it can be concluded that Fixed costs are important when calculating Net Income as it is the profit that is left when all the expenses are paid off by the company. The main fixed costs for any manufacturing concern like Hi-Fidelity Ltd. is the machinery that is used in the production processes and its cost needs to keep at a minimal level. Fixed cost constitute majority share of the cost and that is why it needs to be kept constant; if not constant, then it should not increase at an accelerating rate as well. Hence, in TOC based initiative, Fixed costs are the crucial part of profit calculation as they help in determining the Return on Sales so that the company can decide abou t the increase in sales required so that it is able to earn high Net Income in the long-run. Question 1 (c): It has been revealed by the studies of Bhardwaj, Gupta and Kanda (2010) and Godratt Institute (2009b) that the organizations that implement the concept of TOC require less time for initial improvement phase than that required in both lean management and six sigma methods. TOC concept allows the organizations to focus on one area in one time whereas the other continuous improvement processes require the professionals to keep on monitoring the systems to identify issues in other areas and they necessitate the need of continuous up gradation of the systems as well. The major benefit gained from the application of TOC based initiatives is that they manage the variations effectively rather than reduce them which differentiates TOC from lean and six sigma. TOC helps the organizations in saving time and managing the complete execution process properly. Since the main aim of the conc ept is to identify the constraint that is creating problem in the company’s production process, the next step is to resolve it so that the variation can be managed. The best aspect of TOC concept is that it follows a systematic approach which can be described as follows: 1. Identifying the starting conditions of the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Midterm Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Midterm - Assignment Example The present study involved a between-subjects design. This was pertinent in determining whether the participants who read a vignette about a 13 year old were as more likely to sentence a defendant to LWOP as those who read a vignette about a 16 year old. In this context, the dependent variable was life without parole â€Å"LWOP† while the independent variable was the defendant’s age. There were two main variables to be examined in the present study; LWOP and defendant’s age. The vignettes were randomly assigned to the participants. The participants recorded their responses for variable LWOP on a 5 point Likert-type scale (1 = very unlikely, 5 = very likely). On the other hand, the variable defendant’s age had two categories; 13-year old defendants and 16-year old defendants. The results (as in table 2) indicated lack of significant differences between participants who read a vignette about a 13-year old (M = 1.89, SD = 1.21) and participants who read a vignette about a 16-year old (M = 2.14, SD = 1.34); t(185) = 1.30, p = .19. This implies that the participants who read a vignette about a 13-year old were as likely to sentence the defendant to LWOP as those who read a vignette about a 16-year

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Maori Essay Example for Free

Maori Essay Maori According to the Maori people, they came in the Great Fleet from their homeland, Hawaiki. Most historians believe that they have Polynesian and Melanesian blood and they migrated to New Zealand from their ancestral homes in New Guinea and South East Asian countries. The historians also believe that the people of the Maori culture migrated from one Pacific island to another before reaching New Zealand. This gives them some cultural features from the different islands of the pacific, especially Polynesia and Melanesia. Their culture diffused through migration, relocation diffusion, of the tribe. The Maori people form many tribes. Maori is the term used to describe the people of Aotearoa, and they are divided into a bunch of different tribes. A good comparison of the Maori tribes is the Moriori people of Chatham Island, which is close to New Zealand. The Moriori people are similar to the Maori people in many ways. The first is their arrival to the place they call home by canoes. Another similarity is that the Moriori and Maori people both lost many through war with other tribes. Since the Moriori were isolated from mainland New Zealand, they developed different customs like Nunukus Law which was a law that banned any kind of blood shedding. People who are part of the western culture are imposing their beliefs and traditions on the Maori people. As New Zealand became increasingly westernized, things like clothing deans) are started to be worn by the Maori people. Also, Maori tribes are becoming more and more involved in going to university and working offices in cities. Government policies have also been forcing them to sacrifice some of their language and traditions, and forcing them to follow the culture of the majority.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Dickinson and William Cullen Bryant, Contemplation of Death Essay Example for Free

Dickinson and William Cullen Bryant, Contemplation of Death Essay Between the 17th and 19th centuries, the world paid witness to an intellectual and philosophical revolution that forever changed the perception of life itself. The Great Awakening caused people to become more in tune with their spiritual self, and the Great Enlightenment caused people to question, to think, and to pursue the unknown. This new wave of thinking, helped writers of the Romantic and Transcendent era, such as William Cullen Bryant, and Emily Dickinson, express their feelings of life. Thanatopsis†, by William Cullen Bryant, and â€Å"Because I could Not Stop for Death†, by Emily Dickinson, both exemplify the indisputable facts, that death is an inevitable, natural part of life, and there is no reason to be afraid of death. Even though the two poems both share the same underlying themes, they are presented in different ways. William Cullen Bryant and Emily Dickinson both perpetuated their belief that death is inevitable, but in very different ways. In â€Å"Thanatopsis†, by William Cullen Bryant, he expresses that death inevitable, by explaining that eventually, everyone dies, and that it is essentially part of a â€Å"life cycle†. Death is inevitable no matter whom you are, and everyone will die. He accentuates this idea when he says, â€Å"Thou shalt lie down with patriarchs of the infant world – with kings, the powerful of the earth, the wise the good † (Lines 33- 35). Cullen uses this line to say that no matter who you are, everyone has the same fate. We all end up the same, as he says in lines 25-28, â€Å"Thine individual being, shalt though go, to mix forever with the elements, to be a brother of the insensible rock†. Dickinson, however, presents her belief that death is natural in a completely different way. Dickinson believed that death was a part of the cycle of death. In lines 9-12, Dickinson stated, â€Å"We passed the School, where Children strove, at Recess- in the Ring – We passed the Fields of Grazing Grain – We passed the setting sun†. These lines are metaphors for the stages of life, from childhood to maturity to old age and then death. Dickinson presented those metaphors, to say that her â€Å"carriage ride with death†, was just another stage. We all are once young, we all will grow, and we will all die. Another difference between the two authors expressing that life is inevitable is that Bryant simply believes â€Å"shalt though go mix forever with the elements†, while Dickinson believes, â€Å"Were toward eternity†. Bryant believes that death is final, and Dickinson is perhaps more religious, and believes that there is still life after death. Even though William Cullen Bryant and Dickinson got their point across in different ways, they both were able to express their belief that death is certain. Even though Bryant and Dickinson have very different writing styles, they both further accentuate their belief that death is inevitable by writing about how life is short. Bryant writes about how life is short in lines 17-20 when he says, â€Å"Yet a few days, and thee all beholding sun shall see now more†. This means that in just a short amount of time, you will no longer be here, your life will end, and your â€Å"sun† will burn out, ceasing to exist. There is no way around it. Dickinson is able to express this idea, in a completely different way. From lines 14- 16 Dickinson said, â€Å" The Dews drew quivering and chill ,For only Gossamer, my Gown , My Tippet , only Tule â€Å". When Dickinson says this, she is using her clothing to have an even deeper meaning; A Gossamer is a thin, light cloth, and â€Å"my tippet, my tule†, means that â€Å"my shawl was only a fine net cloth†. She dressed lightly, even though it was cold out, ( â€Å" the dews drew quivering and chill† ) because it would not take death long to take her on the carriage ride, watching her life pass her by. Life is short, and death is inevitable. The carriage ride throughout her life will come to an end, which is why she did not dress properly. Although Bryant and Dickinson have very different writing styles, they are both able to express how they believe that death is inevitable by writing about how life is short. Usually, when an author writes about death, the writing is dark, and brooding. However, â€Å"Thanatopsis†, and â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop for Death†, both offer solace that death is nothing to fear. William Cullen Bryant says we are to live so that when it is time for us to die; we should not fight it, but welcome it. We should not be afraid like a slave at night in a dungeon but instead we should be sustained an soothed with an unfaltering trust approaching our grave like one who wraps the covers from his bed around him and lies down to pleasant dreams, as Bryant says from lines 73 – 81, â€Å"So live, that when thy summons comes to join , The innumerable caravan, which moves , To that mysterious realm, where each shall take , His chamber in the silent halls of death,  Thou go not, like the quarry-slave at night, Scourged to his dungeon, but, sustained and soothed, By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave , Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams. â€Å" Bryant is simply saying that we should welcome death, and look forward to it, for it is nothing to fear. Dickinson is able to offer solace by personifying death from lines 1-8, â€Å" Because I could not stop for death, he kindly stopped for me, the carriage held but just ourselves, and immortality, we slowly drove, he knew no haste, and I had put away, my labor and my leisure too , for his civility. Dickinson personifies death as a kind, civil man. He waited for her, did not rush her, and he respected her. Dickinson personifies death as a gentleman; to express that death should not be feared, because there is no reason to be afraid. Although many writings about death are very dark, and pessimistic, â€Å"Thanatopsis† and â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop for Death†, are both very comforting, but in very different ways. The new wave of thinking during the 19th centuries, helped Romantic and Transcendent era authors such as William Cullen Bryant, and Emily Dickinson express their thoughts of death, in a way that it had not previously been expressed. â€Å"Thanatopsis† and â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop for Death† both exemplify the same indisputable facts, that death is an inevitable, natural part of life, and there is no reason to be afraid of death. Even though the two poems both share the same underlying themes, they are presented in different ways. Bryant accentuates his belief that death is inevitable saying that eventually, we all die, no matter whether royalty, or a peasant. Dickinson is able to do this by giving a metaphor to various stages of life, which is to say, that death is just another stage. Death is part of the cycle. Bryant also pointed out that life is short, by giving an analogy to not seeing the sun any more. Dickinson did this by stating that she was underdressed for her ride passing through her life, because it was short, and she knew she would soon die, and go onwards towards eternity. Both Bryant and Dickinson offer solace about death. Bryant offers solace by saying that there is no need to worry, but that we should embrace it. Dickinson offers solace by personifying death, calling him civil, and kind, to accentuate her belief that there is nothing to fear. William Cullen Bryant and Emily Dickinson were two of the greatest writers of their time, and both wrote about the same underlying themes, but expressed them in completely different ways.

Conspiracy Theories Surrounding the Apollo 11 Landing

Conspiracy Theories Surrounding the Apollo 11 Landing Phillip Scott Apollo 11 Landing: Fact or Fiction? Did the United States successfully land on the moon on July 20, 1969? Were astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin the first humans to walk on the surface of the moon? There are groups of people who would have us believe NASA faked the Apollo 11 landing and its accompanying moonwalk. They claim NASA staged and recorded this event in a studio or desert location and much of their proof of this is in the photographs and videos NASA provided to the public. There are many reasons why they believe it was a hoax. Some believe it was technically impossible to land on the moon in 1969, so the United States staged the landing to win the race to the moon against the Soviet Union (Braeunig). Others believe it was a hoax designed just to irritate the Soviet Union (Runde). They derive most of their claims from the photographs that NASA made available to the public. These conspiracy claims are simply untrue and have been easily refuted and explained by those familiar with NASA’s space prog rams and the science of space. The late Bill Kaysing, a former document cataloger at Rocketdyne, is the person many would consider the father of the moon landing hoax (Braeunig). He and other advocates of this conspiracy theory based their claims on many things, but they primarily point at perceived anomalies in the Apollo 11 photographs (Braeunig) and the inability to view the landing site on the moons surface using telescopes (Than). Their claims are erroneous, misguided and foolish. There are many experts from NASA and the private sector who have proven beyond a doubt that their claims are false. For example, Mr. Kaysing claimed the shadows in the photographs are not parallel to each other, indicating multiple light sources must have been present when they took the photographs (Plait, Fox Television and the Apollo Moon Hoax). The response to this claim is simple. While the sun is the only natural light source on the moon, its light reflects off the moon’s surface, the lunar module, and even the astronaut’s white space suits, so it appears as multiple light sources were present. However, as Dr. Phil Plait explains â€Å"Each object casts one shadow, so there can only be one light source† (Plait, Fox Television and the Apollo Moon Hoax). This, as well as elevation differences on the moon’s surface, is why the shadows do not always appear parallel to each other (Braeunig). Mr. Kaysing also claimed the American flag looked as if it was flapping or waving in the wind and that would not be possible on the moon. On the Fox television show Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon?, Kaysing stated â€Å"This must have been from an errant breeze on the set. A flag wouldnt wave in a vacuum† (qtd. in Plait, Fox Television and the Apollo Moon Hoax). According to Dr. Plait, â€Å"In a vacuum or not, when you whip around the vertical pole, the flag will ‘wave’, since it is attached at the top. The top will move first, then the cloth will follow along in a wave that moves down. This isnt air that is moving the flag, its the cloth itself† (Plait, Fox Television and the Apollo Moon Hoax). Another of the conspiracy claims is that stars should be visible in the dark sky of the images. However, the bright conditions on the moon’s surface and the subjects that the astronauts photographed required them to use fast exposure settings on their cameras (Than). This limited incoming light and prevented the recording of the stars on film. These hoax theorist should remember that the astronauts were photographing their activities on the surface of the moon, not trying to capture pictures of the stars from the surface of the moon (Braeunig). As for the claim that the landing site and the hardware purportedly left at the site should be visible using Earth-based telescopes, it is simply not possible. â€Å"No telescope on Earth or in space has that kind of resolving power† (Than). As Dr. Plait further explains, â€Å"Even with the biggest telescope on Earth, the smallest thing you can see on the surface of moon is something bigger than a house† (qtd. in Than). There are many technical reasons why this is so, but as Dr. Plait explains, â€Å"the ability for a telescope to resolve an object is, as you’d expect, directly related to the size of the mirror or lens† (Plait, Moon Hoax: Why Not Use Telescopes to Look at the Landers? Bad Astronomy). This makes it impossible to resolve something as small as the landing site or the equipment left there using Earth-based telescopes. Even with the Hubble Space Telescope, with its 94 inch aperture, â€Å"the smallest object that can be resolved by HST is abo ut 300 feet† (Braeunig). However, in 2009, NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, orbiting at an altitude of 15 miles above the moon’s surface, captured some outstanding images of all the Apollo landing sites. The images of the Apollo 11 landing site show the equipment they left there and even the tracks the astronauts left as they walked from the lunar module to the location of the various equipment items and even to a nearby crater ( Staff). Still, the conspiracy theorist refute all the proof offered and continue to believe this was all a hoax. These conspiracy theorist have many other claims that the Apollo 11 landing was a conspiracy and various experts have refuted and explained every one of them. However, these conspiracy theorist continue to believe the United States created this hoax to fool the world. The only proof that might change their beliefs would be for one of their â€Å"trusted agents† to travel to the moon to witness the site wher e Apollo 11 landed. There are many reasons for their conspiracy beliefs, but the questions they should ask themselves is: Why would the United States spend billions of dollars on a hoax then leave such sloppy evidence in the very images they provided to the public as proof it happened? If this were a hoax, how could so many people involved in such a conspiracy remain silent for so many years (Cain)? The facts are not debatable. There is no reason to doubt that on July 20 1969, the United States successfully landed Apollo 11 on the moon and that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin exited their lunar module and walked on the surface of the moon. Works Cited Braeunig, Robert A. The Moon Hoax Debate. The Moon Hoax Debate. n.d. Web. 11 February 2015. Cain, Fraser. How Do We Know the Moon Landing Isnt Fake?. 14 April 2014. Web. 11 February 2015. Plait, Phil. Fox Television and the Apollo Moon Hoax. 13 February 2001. Web. 17 February 2015. —. Moon Hoax: Why Not Use Telescopes to Look at the Landers? Bad Astronomy. 12 August 2008. Web. 12 February 2015. Runde, Michael. 11 Proofs That The Apollo Moon Landings Were NOT Fake.. Ed. N.P. 18 July 2014. Web. 11 February 2015. Staff. Apollo 11 Moon Landing Site Seen in Unprecedented Detail | Moon Photos | 13 March 2013. Web. 11 February 2015. Than, Ker. Photos: 8 Moon-Landing Hoax MythsBusted. National Geographic Society. 16 July 2009. Webpage. 11 February 2015.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Cultural Transition of the Hmong Refugees :: Immigration Culture Adaptation Essays

Cultural Transition of the Hmong Refugees Humans have always demonstrated a remarkable ability to find comfort amidst adversity. Sometimes it is found in the sacred. Many churches in the United States experienced a growth in their congregations after September 11th. Sometimes it is found in action. A person might feel the need to get out and "get away" from pressure for a while so that upon returning the situation can be viewed fresh. And sometimes comfort is found in the most unexpected places. This is the case with the Hmong refugees from Indochina who began arriving in Wausau Wisconsin shortly after the conflict in Vietnam ended. Most Americans had never heard of the Hmong before and wanted to know why they had arrived. Tensions, misunderstandings and many challenges arose as the Hmong began new lives in an established and very different culture. Here, though, they have found some surprising tools to help them cope with these issues: camcorders, and the home video. In order to ease their cultural transition, the refugee Hmong have adopted video technology to continue their communal bonds, document their stories, and improve their public image among their new neighbors. Hmong social units are large extended families, something like clans in their makeup. In the mountains of their home, Hmong village of a few hundred people each dotted the landscape and provided a structure for trade and social interaction. In her book New Pioneers in the Heartland, Jo Ann Koltyk tells us that when the refugees were moved to the United States, an attempt was made to spread them throughout various cities in order to ease their assimilation into the population. This dispersion separated many friends, and parted extended family units. In many cases, the Hmong people simply began a "secondary migration" within the United States, and trickled back together into larger communities. In many cases, though, this second move was impossible and many Hmong would have remained isolated had it not been for the "Hmong-made videos." The Hmong tediously document all of their ceremonies and events. They seem to be fascinated by the capability to capture and preserve an event and then to show it to people who were not there and have them experience it also. Though the sharing of videos, a sort of "virtual community" can be maintained throughout separated settlements. Cultural Transition of the Hmong Refugees :: Immigration Culture Adaptation Essays Cultural Transition of the Hmong Refugees Humans have always demonstrated a remarkable ability to find comfort amidst adversity. Sometimes it is found in the sacred. Many churches in the United States experienced a growth in their congregations after September 11th. Sometimes it is found in action. A person might feel the need to get out and "get away" from pressure for a while so that upon returning the situation can be viewed fresh. And sometimes comfort is found in the most unexpected places. This is the case with the Hmong refugees from Indochina who began arriving in Wausau Wisconsin shortly after the conflict in Vietnam ended. Most Americans had never heard of the Hmong before and wanted to know why they had arrived. Tensions, misunderstandings and many challenges arose as the Hmong began new lives in an established and very different culture. Here, though, they have found some surprising tools to help them cope with these issues: camcorders, and the home video. In order to ease their cultural transition, the refugee Hmong have adopted video technology to continue their communal bonds, document their stories, and improve their public image among their new neighbors. Hmong social units are large extended families, something like clans in their makeup. In the mountains of their home, Hmong village of a few hundred people each dotted the landscape and provided a structure for trade and social interaction. In her book New Pioneers in the Heartland, Jo Ann Koltyk tells us that when the refugees were moved to the United States, an attempt was made to spread them throughout various cities in order to ease their assimilation into the population. This dispersion separated many friends, and parted extended family units. In many cases, the Hmong people simply began a "secondary migration" within the United States, and trickled back together into larger communities. In many cases, though, this second move was impossible and many Hmong would have remained isolated had it not been for the "Hmong-made videos." The Hmong tediously document all of their ceremonies and events. They seem to be fascinated by the capability to capture and preserve an event and then to show it to people who were not there and have them experience it also. Though the sharing of videos, a sort of "virtual community" can be maintained throughout separated settlements.

Monday, August 19, 2019

My Online Experience Essay -- Internet Personal Narrative Papers

My Online Experience Being a college student, it is important that one learns to become computer literate. Although I have had the opportunity to go on the Internet, I have never had the opportunity to go beyond doing research, or finding information simply for pleasure. Up to this day, I had not entered the intriguing world of the online communities, and what they can offer. I really did not know much about chat rooms nor had the interested in finding out. From hearing on the news what takes place in the chat rooms, I have had a very narrow perspective on chat rooms and what goes on in them. The reasons, I figured people explored the chat rooms was for friendship, romance, or excitement. In which case, I did not need from a computer. Since it was part of one of the class assignments to find about and explore the chat communities, I did, but I was hesitant. Because it was a personal choice as to what topic we would like to explore, I chose a topic, which I had been interested for a long time. I decided on a topic that I would be able to gain information, as well as to receive helpful insights. This interest led me to research the subject on how to maintain a small fish aquarium. Ever since I can remember I have wanted to have a small fish aquarium filled with many different kinds of fish. But an incident that I experienced at the age of seven has kept me from doing so. Since I was seven years old I have been intimidated to even dare have one fish, due to the incident that happened to me at that time. I remember coming home from a carnival with two prized goldfish that I won at a local fair. I was so excited to have for the very first time a pet of my own. I remember having both fish in a soup bowl for a day or two. I can... ... much information on fish aquariums I can imagine the possibilities on a search that deals with primary educational materials. Now that i have opened my mind to the use of the internet and chat rooms, I see myself using it more often, especially in the field to gathered information that can be of great help to me when planning for a lesson or any extra curricular activities. I want to thank you professor cross for integrating the computer work in this class. I consider myself somewhat computer literate. I know there's much more to learn, and with time and a little effort I think I can manage! Works Cited Rosenstein,Mark (Dec 10,99) (Dec 10,99) (Dec 10,99) (Dec 10,99) l (Dec10,99)

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Great Gatsbys Past & Mistakes about it Essay -- essays research papers

The Reason for the Past   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the words of Jan Gildewell, â€Å"You can clutch the past so tightly to your chest, that it leaves your arms too full to embrace the present.† Jay Gatsby in the book The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, didn’t only cling to the past and forget about the future but also tried to recreate it. There are symbols from Gatsby’s past that display his yearning for a different life all through this piece of literature. Gatsby’s mind can only conceive one way to change his current and undesired path of existence, and that single idea is to recreate and modify his past. In the act of trying to bring back the past he ends up dead. Before the book actually introduces Gatsby it shows a symbol of his desire to change what is history, although the reader doesn’t recognize it until the end of the book. That sacred idol is mentioned, but not noted, for the first time when Nick arrives home and sees Gatsby for the first time, a well dressed young man standing on his lawn and then it reads, â€Å"—he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and far as I was from him I could have sworn he was trembling. Involuntarily I glanced seaward—and distinguished nothing except a single green light, minute and far away, that might have been the end of a dock.†(Page 25-26) The next bit of significant history that can be found is the first of the many flashbacks that symbolize the precise moment Gatsby wants to relive. â€Å"When I came op...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Is Gaming Harmful?

Is Gaming Harmful? Video and computer games, like many popular, entertaining and addicting kid activities, are looked down on by many parents as time wasters, but why? , is it because they are harmful? , or is it simply because they are spending too much time on them instead of studying. Both have many good arguments, but I am going to write about the one in which I feel are most valid. One of the many good points against gaming is that children, teenagers and adults alike are losing sleep over video games because they are staying up all night and letting their â€Å"addiction† take over.The definition of addiction is: â€Å"The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or involved in something. † And anyone who likes and plays videogames has experienced this at some point. Its not only kids that think about going home from school to play video games, many adults think about at work too, the average game player is 30 and has been gaming for about 12 ye ars. This means that many people, no matter of their age or sex, are putting video games before their school or work by missing out on important sleep and not putting their full concentration into their work.On the other hand, Gaming has been proven to increase social skills in young people as most games include a multiplayer feature that encourages people to play the game with others, whether it be online with friends or sitting together which is important for young kids growing up as it helps them make friends and sustain relationships. It also helps them realize how important it is to be sociable when they are starting school or a new job.Although some could argue that video games can do children social harm as many children play there selves for many hours each day and rarely interact with their family or friends. They could also argue that video games can cause great physical harm. The physical harm can occur when the child spends long hours of concentration on fast movement or because of the screen flicker. Also when children play video games they sit in for long hours that in the long run will stunt their natural growth and damage their backbone.Video games are more commonly known as a hobby you do sitting down somewhere comfortable and relaxing but what most people fail to realize is that there are a new type of video game emerging that get you on your toes and exercising. These include such consoles as PlayStation Move, Xbox Kinect , Wii, etc. These devices are designed to keep you active while you game and can give you a good physical work out instead of playing seated, these kind of games also can give you a good mental work out as most games for these console require lots of problem solving and also help improve your hand eye co-ordination skills.However, there are some that would say playing videogames can cause mental and psychological harm. Their reasons for this are they believe that when playing video games, children do not apply much mental e ffort and believe that video games are not creative enough. This could lead to the child developing lazy mental habits and also being impatient as real life is not as fast as their game might be. There are also some that believe that children can become violent because they become habituated to the violence that occurs in some games they might play.

Friday, August 16, 2019

BSc Participant

These approaches can be implemented through the following methods, analytical, participatory, regulatory, protected area, systems approach, socio-cultural approaches and economic approaches. Command and control regulations- It's an approach where political authorities mandate people, by enacting a law, to bring about a behavior and use an enforcement machinery to get people to obey the law. It's an environmental management strategy where the government or responsible authorities sets standards to protect and manage the natural resources. This technique covers the regulatory and protected areas approaches.In Zombie the regulations involve the bylaws, legislative, reserved or protected areas and bio monitoring. The government of Zombie construct national parks like Generous National park, sanctuaries, Safari areas, recreational areas, botanical gardens/ reserves, state forests. The maintenance of biodiversity, natural resources and associated cultural resources. This approach worked we ll in Zombie as this was evidenced by the creation of many national and recreational parks thought it resulted in some negative impacts to the communities where these projects were done.Some of the problems were location of communities, poaching of the resources by the nearby communities for example the recent issue where 20 elephants were killed in Kari The approach of protected areas in town is appearing no to be considered when different developments are taking place in Zombie. A good example when the city council of Chitchatting gave residential stands on wetland areas of Zinged 4. Another good example it's the construction of the new shopping mall that is along Hare-Bylaws road, that place was reserved by the city fathers of Hare as a wetland.This shows that the approach of protected areas in towns is not considered. This evidences the conflicts between economic development and conservation of resources using this approach. Another challenge faced by Zombie from these protected areas is land, some of these areas require very large pieces of land, and for example the Generous National Park is approximately 5000 km, and this is a very large piece of land that can be used for other economic uses. But on the other hand these areas can serves as income generation to the country through CEO-tourism.Another approach involves the regulatory policies and pieces of legislation. On legislation arioso acts have been put in place to date for the management of natural resources in Zombie. Some of the acts and policies are Forest, Minerals, Wildlife, Environmental management Acts. Some of the Acts are; Native husbandry Act (1951), National Parks & Wildlife Act (1975), National Parks & Wildlife Amendment Act (1984), Communal Land Act (1982) and the Water Act (1976).Described below are some of the Acts; The Zombie Environmental Management Act (2004) provides for the sustainable management of natural resources and protection of the environment; the prevention of pollution and environmental degradation. The Act also provides for the preparation of a National Environmental Plan and other plans for the protection of the environment. The implementing 134 agency of the Act is the Environmental Management Agency and Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Management. The primary strategy embodied in the Act is crystallization.The Environmental Management Act is now the supreme environmental Law in Zombie. Another act is the Forest Act of 1954, the management of woodland and forest products is embodied in the Forest Act and the Communal Land Forest Produce Act. The Forest Act (1954) provides for management of wood resources wrought Zombie although its focus is state forests and on private land. The main management strategy in both acts is to establish conditions under which forest produce can be used and to determine and regulate the extent of that use.Both Acts rely on the crystallization of activities in order to protect and regenerate forest produc e. The Forest Act creates forests officers who have general police powers of seizure and arrest. Designated officers or forest officers under the communal Land Forest Produce Act do not have power of arrest. These arrests may only be made by rest officers in Communal Areas where the charge is for an offense under the Forest Act (Camaraderie, 2000). Parks and wildlife Act (1975), the Act is administered exploitation of plants, trees and wildlife.Camaraderie (2000) argues that the Act seeks to protect indigenous plant life and prohibits its sale without a permit. However it allows pants to be harvested by the owner or occupier of land for use in the home of occupier. It further allows harvesting indigenous plants where the area is needed for cultivation and construction. All the regulatory legislation described above was enacted using the top- down approach. The masses were not consulted so as to incorporate their knowledge in the conservation of the resources hence the defilement.If participatory approaches had been used, indigenous knowledge could have been harnessed into the statutory acts. Although Acts mentioned above are vital to the country, they are failing to curb depletion of forest resources. Mismanagement of these forest resources is rife especially in most Communal Areas of Zombie regardless of the existence of the legal frameworks. One of the major causes of the misuse of forest products, especially trees, is arguably the fact that people are nearly ignoring traditional beliefs and indigenous knowledge systems in the sustainable management of natural resources.Economic Instruments approach- this is natural resources management strategy that uses the concepts of economics meaning it deals with the market. By dealing with the market it means it deals with the demand and supply. This approach uses economics to manage or regulate the environment by using supply and demand to minimize the impact of the human economy on ecosystems. This approach changes the behavior of resource users through subordination of natural resources in the form of tax incentive, user charges f the resource, soft credits that enables the good management of natural resources, pollution charges to the polluter of the environment.The method employs approaches like analytical and system approaches to achieve its natural resources management successfully. The method uses the â€Å"polluter -pays principle†. The economic instruments used by this approach involve taxes or charges that are paid by the producer or firms. Since the producer is being taxed this increases prices, which provides both opportunity and incentive for innovation; eventually the innovations are so successful that prices end up below what they were before the source shortages occurred Aeolian Simony's rule of Ultimate Resource).The success of this technique depends on market developments and market variations. In Zombie economic benefit was identified as a major driver for sustainable natural resources management. The approach involves use of economic benefits as incentives to drive sustainable management of natural resources. Participatory approach- this involves empowering local communities to take up guardianship and stewardship over natural resources. Communities derive economic benefit by using natural resources as alternative land use.The most common participator programmer one in Zombie is the Community based Natural Resources Management (CPRM). The CPRM is where existing natural resources within an area are managed as a commercial enterprise at community level in a sustainable and productive manner. It has ecological benefits, it also makes sound economic sense by maximizing on the resources that are available and reducing the reliance on external inputs. The programmer started late sass with CAMPFIRE programmer, initiated by Zimmermann Department of National Parks and Wildlife Management, the wildlife, to rural communities.Because of its successful inter nationally in enabling immunities to derive a sustainable livelihood from wildlife management, the programmer achieved a great deal in terms of setting a stage for CPRM in Zombie. The problem with the CPRM was not covering all the resources; it was mainly focused on wildlife management. This presents a greater challenge to other resources since many Zimmermann communal areas are largely devoid of Wildlife. However to a larger extent the programmer was effective on managing natural resources in Communal areas of Zombie.This is because the programmer sought to decentralized the management of natural resources to rural communities which ivies these communities sense of ownership over the resources thereby motivating citizens to participate on managing the resources in their community. Another example of the participatory approach done in Zombie was the SAFARI MIT programmer. The participatory approach has been found to be an effective means to manage natural resources since the communi ty its self is in charge of managing their available resources thereby creating the sense of ownership among them.This approach is believed to bring cost-savings over mandatory policies for regulators, while encouraging individuals and communities to take holistic strategies to improve ND manage their natural resources efficiently (Khan, 2001; Lyon & Maxwell, 2004). Another approach used in Zombie is the system approach which encompasses critical view of system earth and the ecosystems approach. Ecosystem approach maintains or restores the composition, structure and function of natural and modified ecosystems for the goal of long-term sustainability.This is an integrated approach made up of protected areas approach, CPRM and the Turnaround Natural Resource Management (TORN). TORN is a board that manages resources found on the boarders of Zombie and its neighboring countries. A good example where this board work effectively it's between the South African- Zombie boarders. The Turnaro und approach rises after a number of factors which includes, the need to better manage shared resources; the drive for economic growth through regional integration and development, the need to foster community participation, promote peace and security and embrace the forces of globalization.This was evidenced by the construction of the game park that stretches from Zombie to South Africa for the management of wildlife and other resources found between the boarders of these two countries. However, despite these envisaged benefits of Turnaround natural resource management (TABOR), there are numerous concerns arising from these initiatives ranging from community normalization, inter – community conflicts and inter – state inequity in the distribution of benefits.

Early History of Flight

AIR TRANSPORTATION Early History of Flight: Around 400 BC – Flight in China †¢ The discovery of the kite that could fly in the air by the Chinese started humans thinking about flying. †¢ Kites have been important to the invention of flight as they were the forerunner to balloons and gliders. Hero and the Aeolipile †¢ The ancient Greek engineer, Hero of Alexandria, worked with air pressure and steam to create sources of power. One experiment that he developed was the aeolipile which used jets of steam to create rotary motion. 1485 The Ornithopter and the Study of Flight †¢ Leonardo da Vinci made the first real studies of flight in the 1480's.He had over 100 drawings that illustrated his theories on bird and mechanical flight. The drawings illustrated the wings and tails of birds, ideas for man carrying machines, and devices for the testing of wings. 1783-The Flight of the First Hot Air Balloon †¢ The brothers, Joseph Michel and Jacques Etienne Montgolfi er, were inventors of the first hot air balloon. †¢ They used the smoke from a fire to blow hot air into a silk bag. The silk bag was attached to a basket. The hot air then rose and allowed the balloon to be lighter-than-air. †¢ In 1783, the first passengers in the colorful balloon were a sheep, rooster and duck.It climbed to a height of about 6,000 feet and traveled more than one mile. †¢ The first manned flight was on November 21, 1783, the passengers were Jean-Francois Pilatre de Rozier and Francois Laurent. 1799-1850's-Gliders †¢ Sir George Cayley is considered the â€Å"FATHER OF AERODYNAMICS†.. †¢ Cayley experimented with wing design, distinguished between lift and drag, and formulated the concepts of vertical tail surfaces, steering rudders, rear elevators, and air screws. †¢ Cayley designed many different versions of gliders that used the movements of the body to control.A young boy, whose name is not known, was the first to fly one of Ca yley's gliders, the first glider capable of carrying a human. 1891 Otto Lilienthal †¢ German engineer, Otto Lilienthal, studied aerodynamics and worked to design a glider that would fly. Otto Lilienthal was the first person to design a glider that could fly a person and was able to fly long distances. 1891 Aerodrome †¢ Samuel Langley was physicist and astronomer who realized that power was needed to help man fly. †¢ He built a model of a plane, which he called an aerodrome that included a steam-powered engine.In 1891, his model flew for 3/4s of a mile before running out of fuel. †¢ It was too heavy to fly and it crashed. He was very disappointed. He gave up trying to fly. His major contributions to flight involved attempts at adding a power plant to a glider 1894 Octave Chanute †¢ Octave Chanute was a successful engineer who undertook the invention of airplanes as a hobby, after being inspired by Otto Lilienthal. †¢ Chanute designed several aircraft, th e Herring – Chanute biplane was his most successful design and formed the basis of the Wright biplane design. MAN’S FIRST SUCCESFUL FLIGHT: 903- The Wright Brothers †¢ Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright was very deliberate in their quest for flight. †¢ The Wright Brothers designed and used a wind tunnel to test the shapes of the wings and the tails of the gliders. After they found a glider shape that consistently would fly in the tests in the North Carolina Outer Banks dunes, then they turned their attention to how to create a propulsion system that would create the lift needed to fly. †¢ The â€Å"Flyer† lifted from level ground to the north of Big Kill Devil Hill, at 10:35 a. m. , on December 17, 1903.Orville piloted the plane which weighed six hundred and five pounds. †¢ The first heavier-than-air flight traveled 120 ft. in 12 seconds. The two brothers took turns during the test flights. It was Orville's turn to test the plane, so he is the brother that is credited with the first flight. †¢ In 1904, the first flight lasting more than five minutes took place on November 9. The Flyer II was flown by Wilbur Wright. †¢ In 1908, passenger flight took a turn for the worse when the first fatal air crash occurred on September 17. †¢ Orville Wright was piloting the plane.Orville Wright survived the crash, but his passenger, Signal Corps Lieutenant Thomas Selfridge, did not. The Wright Brothers had been allowing passengers to fly with them since May 14, 1908. TYPES OF AIRPLANE ENGINES TURBOJET ENGINE †¢ The basic idea of the turbojet engine is simple. Air taken in from an opening in the front of the engine is compressed to 3 to 12 times its original pressure in compressor. †¢ The turbojet engine is a reaction engine. In a reaction engine, expanding gases push hard against the front of the engine TURBOPROP ENGINE (Turbo propeller Engine) A turboprop engine is a jet engine attached to a propeller. The turb ine at the back is turned by the hot gases, and this turns a shaft that drives the propeller. †¢ Some small airliners and transport aircraft are powered by turboprops. †¢ Engines featuring such propellers are called prop fans. †¢ Hungarian, Gyorgy Jendrassik who worked for the Ganz wagon works in Budapest designed the very first working turboprop engine in 1938. Called the Cs-1, Jendrassik's engine was first tested in August of 1940; the Cs-1 was abandoned in 1941 without going into production due to the War. Max Mueller designed the first turboprop engine that went into production in 1942. TURBOFAN RNGINE †¢ A turbofan engine has a large fan at the front, which sucks in air. †¢ Most of today's airliners are powered by turbofans. In a turbojet all the air entering the intake passes through the gas generator, which is composed of the compressor, combustion chamber, and turbine. TURBO SHAFT ENGINE †¢ It does not drive a propeller. Instead, it provides pow er for a helicopter rotor. †¢ The turbo shaft engine is designed so that the speed of the helicopter rotor is independent of the rotating speed of the gas generator.RAMJET ENGINE †¢ The speed of the jet â€Å"rams† or forces air into the engine. It is essentially a turbojet in which rotating machinery has been omitted. †¢ A ramjet vehicle requires some form of assisted takeoff, such as another aircraft. It has been used primarily in guided-missile systems. Space vehicles use this type of jet. PARTS OF AN AIRPLANE AND THEIR FUNCTIONS 1. Fuselage- The body of the plane. It is generally a long tube shape 2. Landing gear- The wheels of a plane. ?    – There are two main wheels on either side of the plane fuselage.Then there is one more wheel near the front of the plane. The brakes for the wheels are like the brakes for cars. They are operated by pedals, one for each wheel. Most landing gear can be folded into the fuselage during the flight and opened for l anding. 3. Wings- The wings are shaped with smooth surfaces. There is a curve to the wings which helps push the air over the top more quickly than it goes under the wing. ?      Ã¢â‚¬â€œ The shape of the wings determines how fast and high the plane can fly. ?      Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Wings are called airfoils. 4.Flaps- slide back and down to increase the surface of the wing area. -They also tilt down to increase the curve of the wing. 5. Slats- move out from the front of the wings to make the wing space larger. This helps to increase the lifting force of the wing at slower speeds like takeoff and landing. 6. Ailerons- are hinged on the wings and move downward to push the air down and make the wing tilt up. This moves the plane to the side and helps it turn during flight. 7. Spoilers- after landing, the spoilers are used like air brakes to reduce any remaining lift and slow down the airplane.REGIMES OF FLIGHT †¢ Ranges of speed defined relative to the local speed of sound. 1. SUBSO NIC †¢ this category contains most of the commercial jets that are used today to move passengers and cargo. †¢ the speed is just below the speed of sound as 350-750 miles per hour. †¢ engines today are lighter and more powerful and can travel quickly with large loads of people and goods. 2. SUPERSONIC †¢ 760 MPH is the speed of sound. †¢ These planes can fly up to 5 times   the speed of sound. Planes in this regime have specially designed high performance engines. They are also designed in lightweight materials to provide less drag. †¢ The first powered aircraft to explore this regime was the Bell X-1A, in 1947. †¢ The wings of supersonic fighters are swept in planform to reduce drag. †¢ President Kennedy- in 1963 he proposed the supersonic plane as a national priority. †¢ UNITED STATES- gave up its first attempts to produce a supersonic transport (SST) for commercial used after spending 1 billion dollars in development. †¢ TU-144- supersonic version of Russian but it has been plagued with economic and safety problems. †¢ CONCORDE- British/French version of SST has a cruising speed of 1,458 miles per hour at an altitude of 50,000-60,000 feet, which takes it out of the more heavily traveled subsonic jets levels of 30,000-40,000 feet. -it needs speeds of200-215 knots to take off, as compared with 165 knots for subsonic. Supersonic Transport problems: †¢ it seats only 105 passengers. †¢ fuel consumption is 2-3 times that of a subsonic. †¢ The range is less that 4,000 miles. Advantages of Concorde: †¢ 80% are business travelers †¢ cabin is pressurized to 5,000 feet instead of to about 7,000 feet as in subsonic jets. †¢ air conditioning balances the humidity, which makes colds. Even though the SST has proved economically unfeasible mostly because of its small pay load. ? Air travel changes will probably call for an improved version, one of that can carry at least 250 passengers a nd have a 7500 mile range. ? That kind of plane would be a boon for pacific basin travel, where current flight times are nine to thirteen hours. 3. HYPERSONIC †¢ 3500-7000 MPH speed of sound. †¢ Rockets travel at speeds 5 to 10 times the speed of sound as they go into orbit. †¢ In the 1970s, the term generally came to refer to speeds of Mach 5 (5 times the speed of sound) and above.The hypersonic regime is a subset of the supersonic regime. †¢ Large variations in air density and pressure occur because of shock waves, and expansions 4. TRANSONIC †¢ Transonic is an aeronautics term referring to a range of velocities just below and above the speed of sound (about mach 0. 8–1. 2). It is defined as the range of speeds between the critical Mach number. †¢ Most modern jet powered aircraft spend a considerable amount of time in the transonic state. This is particularly important due to an effect known as wave drag, which is prevalent in these speed range s. Severe instability can occur at transonic speeds. Shock waves move through the air at the speed of sound. THE NEWEST PLANES †¢ Boeing 747-400- the newest of the long range jets. ?   >can carry 410 passengers and has a range 0f 8,800 miles †¢ MD-11 -McDonnell Douglas newest jets. ? > MD-11 can carry 405 passengers. ? -Both planes are being built to test the traveler’s capacity to sit in one seat for a                                     marathon 16plus hours, extending over 7,000 to 8,000 miles. 1987- Europe and its Airbus Industry had put about 15 billion on the line to produce a: JUNIOR JUMBO -the airbus A-340,   -a 275-seater with a range about 8,000 miles? -greater flight frequencies because of faster loading and deplaning of passengers. Aircraft Footprint- is the distance from the takeoff point to the point   at which the plane is no longer significantly audible. N. V Fokker- a smaller aircraft contender. ?-are fuel-efficient and require small cockpit crews. FREEDOMS OF THE AIR First Freedom of the Air – the right or privilege, in respect of scheduled international air services, granted by one State to another State or States to fly across its territory without landing (also known as a First Freedom Right).Second Freedom of the Air – the right or privilege, in respect of scheduled international air services, granted by one State to another State or States to land in its territory for non-traffic purposes (also known as a Second Freedom Right). Third Freedom of The Air – the right or privilege, in respect of scheduled international air services, granted by one State to another State to put down, in the territory of the first State, traffic coming from the home State of the carrier (also known as a Third Freedom Right).Fourth Freedom of The Air – the right or privilege, in respect of scheduled international air services, granted by one State to another State to take on, in the terr itory of the first State, traffic destined for the home State of the carrier (also known as a Fourth Freedom Right). Fifth Freedom of The Air – the right or privilege, in respect of scheduled international air services, granted by one State to another State to put down and to take on, in the territory of the first State, traffic coming from or destined to a third State (also known as a Fifth Freedom Right).ICAO characterizes all â€Å"freedoms† beyond the Fifth as â€Å"so-called† because only the first five â€Å"freedoms† have been officially recognized as such by international treaty. Sixth Freedom of The Air – the right or privilege, in respect of scheduled international air services, of transporting, via the home State of the carrier, traffic moving between two other States (also known as a Sixth Freedom Right). The so-called Sixth Freedom of the Air, unlike the first five freedoms, is not incorporated as such into any widely recognized air se rvice agreements such as the â€Å"Five Freedoms Agreement†.Seventh Freedom of The Air – the right or privilege, in respect of scheduled international air services, granted by one State to another State, of transporting traffic between the territory of the granting State and any third State with no requirement to include on such operation any point in the territory of the recipient State, i. e the service need not connect to or be an extension of any service to/from the home State of the carrier.Eighth Freedom of The Air – the right or privilege, in respect of scheduled international air services, of transporting cabotage traffic between two points in the territory of the granting State on a service which originates or terminates in the home country of the foreign carrier or (in connection with the so-called Seventh Freedom of the Air) outside the territory of the granting State (also known as a Eighth Freedom Right or â€Å"consecutive cabotage†).Ninth F reedom of The Air – the right or privilege of transporting cabotage traffic of the granting State on a service performed entirely within the territory of the granting State (also known as a Ninth Freedom Right or â€Å"stand alone† cabotage). GOVERNMENT AGENCIES †¢ INTERNATIONAL AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION (IATA) o Is an international industry trade group of airlines headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. o IATA was formed IATA was formed in April 1945, in Havana, Cuba. It is the successor to the International Air Traffic Association, founded in The Hague in 1919, the year of the world's first international scheduled services.Functions: ? To the member airlines- it provides solutions to problems beyond the resources of any single airline. ? To the government- it is the medium of negotiation for international fares and agreements. ? To the traveling public- it ensures the traveling public safe and efficient operations of all the airlines, proper business practice by the airlines and travel agents. ? Clears financial balance between airlines and charges between tickets. ? Caters ground holding ? Performs maintenance service ? Handles aircraft leasing projects ? Promotes worldwide air travel safety Regulate the shipping of dangerous goods INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION (ICAO) ? An agency of the United Nations, codifies the principles and techniques of international air navigation and fosters the planning and development of international air transport to ensure safe and orderly growth. Its headquarters are located in the Quartier International of Montreal, Canada. Functions: ? Adopts standards and recommended practices concerning air navigation. ? Prevention of unlawful interference ? Facilitation of border-crossing procedures for international civil aviation. Defines the protocols for air accident investigation followed by transport safety authorities in countries signatory to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, commonl y known as the Chicago Convention CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD (CAB) ? Agency charged with the power to regulate the economic aspect of air transportation in the Philippines. Functions: ? Licensing of domestic and international airlines. ? Regulation of fares and rates for the carriage of person s and property. ? Enforcement of the economic provision of R. A. 776. ? Authorization of navigation of foreign aircraft in the Philippines. Participation in the negotiation of air agreements covering exchange of air rights. ? Suggest corrective to improve safety in air commerce. ? Assure protection of the public by requiring the performance of safe and adequate air service, eliminating rate discrimination, unfair competition and deceptive practices in air transportation. Air Transportation Office (ATO) ? The Philippines' Air Transportation Office (Filipino: Tanggapan ng Transportasyong Himpapawid), abbreviated as ATO, is responsible for implementing policies on civil aviation to assure safe, econ omic and efficient air travel.FUNCTIONS: ? Establish and prescribe rules and regulations for the inspection and registration of all aircraft owned and operated in the Philippines and all air facilities; ? Establish and prescribe the corresponding rules and regulations for the enforcement of ? Determine, fix and/or prescribe charges and/or rates pertinent to the operation of public air utility facilities and services; ? Administer and operate the Civil Aviation Training Center (CATC); ? Operate and maintain national airports, air navigation and other similar facilities in compliance to ICAO; ?Perform such other powers and functions as may be prescribed by law. PHILIPPINE AEROSPACE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (PADC) ? The corporation undertakes business and development activities for the establishment of reliable aviation and aerospace industry. ? It engages in design, manufacture and scale of all forms of aircrafts. ? It develops local capabilities in maintenance, repair and modification of equipment related to air flight. ? It operates on air transport service for domestic and international flights. ? Head: Reynato R. Jose FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (FAA) It concentrates on passenger safety, aircraft certification to meet safety standards, pilot licensing and air traffic control. ? Also responsible for investigation of aircraft accident. ? 1958- FAA became independent MANILA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY (MIAA) ? This government agency is in charge of operating and maintaining airport facilities in the Mactan International Airport. ? As with MIAA, MCIAA is responsible for keeping Mactan airport in tip-toe shape to ensure its competitiveness as a trade and tourist gateway to Visayas Island group. It implements airport rules, provides airport safety and security needs. ? Under operations are international and domestic operations and maintenance, fire fighting and rescue and electrical and mechanical services. ? Head: Gen. Mgr. Alfonso U. Alerre INTERNATIONAL AIR CHARTER ASSOCIATION (IACA) ? Trade association of supplemental and charter airlines. NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION (NASA) ? The role of NASA is aeronautical research. ? They achieve world leadership in space technology and exploration. LOCAL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM LIST OF AIRLINES IN THE PHILIPPINESPHILIPPINE AIRLINES ? It is the national airline of the Philippines. ? The first airline in Asia and the oldest of those currently in operation. ? Makati City: headquarters ? Flies both domestic and international ? Ninoy Aquino International Airport, Paranaque City: main hub. ? China Airlines and Japan Airlines: principal Asian competitors. ? IATA: PR HISTORY: ? February 1941: established ? Started by a group of businessmen led by Andres Soriano. ? March 1941: started its operation with a single Beech Model 18 aircraft making one flight daily between Manila (from Nielson Field) and Baguio. In July 1941, a chartered DC-4 ferried carried 40 American servicemen to Californ ia, making Pal the first airline to cross the Pacific. ? December 1941, started regular service between Manila and San Francisco.? INCIDENTS AND ACCIDENTS: ? Pal has 21 crash records ? Last one being in 1999 and most of them being in its earlier years. ? Philippine Airlines Flight 812 was a scheduled passenger flight from Francisco Bangoy International Airport in Davao City to Ninoy Aquino International Airport near Manila.On May 25, 2000, an Airbus A330-301 operating on the route was hijacked by a man later identified as Reginald Chua, just before the airplane was about to land. The flight carried 278 passengers and 13 crew members. AIR PHILIPPINES ? It is an airline registered in the Philippines. ? Primarily focuses on the domestic low-cost market. ? IATA: 2P ? ICAO: GAP ? Call sign: Orient Pacific History: ? February 13, 1995: was incorporated. ? Subic: base operations. ? February 1, 1996: started its flight operations with a Boeing737-200 between Subic, Iloilo and Zamboanga.ASIA N SPIRIT ? An airline based in the Philippines that usually flies routes not serviced by major airlines such as Philippine Airlines. ? The Philippines’ youngest airline. ? Based in Manila. ? Founded in 1996 by the Airline Employees Cooperative. ? IATA: 6K ? ICAO: RIT ? Call sign: Asian Spirit CEBU PACIFIC ? One of the newest airline companies operating in the Philippines. ? The country's 2nd largest airline after Philippine Airlines ? Cebu: headquarters ? March 8, 1996: first flight ? Started with 24 flights daily among Manila, Cebu and Davao. By 2000’s, was able to operate international flights to the countries of Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, South Korea and the dependency of Guam. ? IATA: 5J ? ICAO: CEB ? Call sign: Cebu Air PACIFIC EAST ASIA CARGO LINES ? Is a cargo airline based in the Philippines ? IATA: Q8 ? ICAO: PEC PACIFICAIR ? Pacificair ( Pacific Airways Corporation ) is an airline based in Manila, Philippines. ? Established: 1947 ? Operates sch eduled passenger flights, air taxi services, and is involved in agricultural work. ? IATA: GX ? ICAO: PFR ? Call sign: Pacific West